Tuesday, April 29, 2014

finals… aka the worst week ever for us all...

So, from the title, you can assume that finals are currently going on for all of the Mississippi State University students. This week has been hectic and crazy. There have been tornadoes all over the Southeast, therefore classes have been cancelled and tests moved around… for someone as scheduled as me, this has NOT been very fun at all. 

This has caused me to realize one thing, I am a complete control freak (we all knew that one) and that I have to start putting WAY more faith in God. I keep having all these "control freak thoughts" as I like to call them, about how and when I am ever going to get things done! Through these thoughts, I have had to consistently remind myself, that God is in ultimate control of this situation in my life. I have no reason to wonder if/or/why/how because He has it in His hands.

As some of you know, I am going to be working at Camp Lake Stephens this summer and I absolutely cannot wait. This experience will definitely be one for the books. That experience is what is keeping me going right now. I am doing what daddy always says, and trying my very best to "finish strong". Although that is something every student wants, is it what every person wants? How are you finishing strong in your everyday life? You shouldn't strive to finish strong just because you know you always get a reward, the bible says that we are to work hard and finish strong in ALL that we do, not just SOME of what we do.

Just a little food for thought and an update on what's going on in the insane life of Katie! 


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Just Breathe...

So, this week, as it has been filled with the business of what I like to lovingly call my life, I have started to understand the importance of taking a step back from everything and just breathing it all in. I have been so focused on school and interviews and everything that I'm longing to have happen in my life, that I haven't taken ten minutes to just step back and take in all the wonderful moments I'm getting to experience everyday. But isn't that what this life seems to turn into? How often have we taken a step back to JUST BREATHE, just breathe it all in and enjoy the small things.

I have been able to just slowly but surely add small enjoyable things to my list of things I love. My list of things to enjoy and my list of things that fulfill my heart. How important are those things to you instead of being "successful". And by successful, I'm referring to the world's view of successful. I've learned just this week alone, that success in my life will not be measured by how much money I make or how great my grades are, but how happy and fulfilled I am in my life.

Like one of my favorite people on this weirdly small planet Bri says, you only have this one life and these moments. It's not about one moment in your life, but all of the moments. Enjoying every single one. No matter what health problems or what everyday struggles you're going through. Find the beauty in the small things and joy in everything.
